Does Wavwrite or Audiowrite do some Windowing and Fourier Series with some distribution?

Léo Léopold Hertz 준영

I have some intuition that it does so. Any developer here about the two commands?

Bas Swinckels

As far as I know, no. It is supposed to just write the raw samples to a wav-file. Do you have anything to backup your intuition? Did you do proper scaling and set the correct number of bits? Maybe you are loosing some of the dynamic range because of this.

According to the manual, for floating point input, you have to make sure that your input is between -1 and 1. If it exceeds this, it will clip, which might cause some metallic sound (a low-frequency sine will cause up-conversion to higher harmonics). If the amplitude is much lower and you use a low bit-rate, you might loose some of your signal due to round-off errors.

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