Error calling ServiceStack service with mvc4 Controller

Rafael Reyes

I'm trying to figure out how to call a service from an asp mvc4 controller, but I just can't. I already set up the services but when I'm trying to call from my controller method it displays this :

Here's my code:


namespace mvc4_servicestack
// Nota: para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo habilitar el modo clásico de IIS6 o IIS7, 
// visite

    public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication

        public class AppHost : AppHostBase
            public AppHost()
                : base("Nombre del Host de los WebService", typeof(SS_WebServices.StatusService).Assembly)
            { }

            public override void Configure(Funq.Container container)



        protected void Application_Start()

            new AppHost().Init();


           // WebApiConfig.Register(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration);



namespace mvc4_servicestack { public class SS_WebServices {

    //Request DTO Objet
    public class StatusQuery : ServiceStack.ServiceHost.IReturn<StatusResponse>
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Id { get; set; }


    //Response DTO Object
    public class StatusResponse
        public string Result { get; set; }

    public class StatusService : ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.Service
        //Implement teh Method VERB (POST,GET,PUT,DELETE) OR Any for ALL VERBS
        public object Any(StatusQuery request)
            //Looks strange when the name is null so we replace with a generic name.
            var name = request.Name ?? "John Doe";
            return new StatusResponse { Result = "Hello, " + name };



I've been reading the post Should ServiceStack be the service layer in an MVC application or should it call the service layer?

But Still I can't understand things like : WHY Register returns an Interface instead a GreeterResponse? container.Register(c => new Greeter());

I really hope you guys can help me...!


Since ServiceStack is hosted in the same AppDomain as MVC, you don't need to use a ServiceClient and go through HTTP to access ServiceStack Services, instead you can just resolve and call the Service normally, E.g:

public HelloController : ServiceStackController 
    public void Index(string name) 
        using (var svc = base.ResolveService<HelloService>())
           ViewBag.GreetResult = svc.Get(name).Result;
           return View();

Outside of a Controller a ServiceStack Service can be resolved via HostContext.ResolveService<T>()

See the MVC Integration docs for more info.

But Still I can't understand things like : WHY Register returns an Interface instead a GreeterResponse? container.Register(c => new Greeter());

Greeter is just a normal C# dependency (i.e. it's not a ServiceStack Service). The container isn't returning IGreeter here, instead it's saying to "Register the Greeter implemenation against the IGreeter interface":

container.Register<IGreeter>(c => new Greeter());

If you registered it without, it will just be registered against the concrete type, e.g. these are both equivalent:

container.Register(c => new Greeter());
container.Register<Greeter>(c => new Greeter());

Which means you would need to specify the concrete dependency to get it auto-wired, e.g:

public class MyService : Service 
    public Greeter Greeter { get; set; }

Instead of being able to use:

    public IGreeter Greeter { get; set; }

Which is much easier to test given that it's a mockable interface.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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