Perl Net::LDAP - Fetch DN without Search?

David W.

I have the DN of the LDAP entry. I know I could search for it: Doing something like this:

my $search = $ldap->search( 
    base => $dn, 
    scope => "base",
    filter => "(objectclass=*)",

But, I don't need to do a search. I have the DN. I simply want to pull up the DN entry and do my operations directly on that. Something like this:

my $dn_entry = $ldap->get( $dn );

Is there a method to get the DN entry from the DN string itself, or do you have to search for the entry even if you know the DN itself?

Terry Gardner

Using LDAP, clients must always search or use an extended operation to get data. If you're interested in all the attributes associated with an entry, and the DN is known, use the following parameters in a search request:

  • baseObject: the DN that is known
  • search scope: base
  • filter: either (&) or (objectClass=*)
  • the list of attributes to be returned. Some APIs use * for all user attributes and + for all operational attributes.

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