How do I add :hover on the nth child of an element using CSS2 selectors?

Saahir Foux

I'm trying to give each menu li a unique background color on hover, and I want to do it using css2.


I was able to add a background onto the first element, using the following:

nav ul > li:hover:first-child a { background-color:red !important; }

When I add a different background onto the 2ndelement, the hover effect for the next element appears only when I place my cursor over the first element.

This is my code so far:

nav ul > li:hover:first-child a { background-color:red !important; }
nav ul > li:hover:first-child + li a { background-color:blue !important; }

Is there a proper way to do this with CSS2?

I'm tried to get some insight into this Boltclock's answer in the link below.

How do I get the nth child of an element using CSS2 selectors?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


The nth child is represented by the last element in the + chain (before the combinator immediately following it, if any), so you would attach the :hover selector to that element like so:

nav ul > li:hover:first-child a { background-color:red !important; }
nav ul > li:first-child + li:hover a { background-color:blue !important; }

If you wish to make this clearer for the first child, you can reorder the pseudo-classes, placing :hover at the end (i.e. after :first-child):

nav ul > li:first-child:hover a { background-color:red !important; }
nav ul > li:first-child + li:hover a { background-color:blue !important; }

Lastly, as others have mentioned, you should remove the !importants unless you have a specific reason to use them.

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