Unable to remove JLabel from JPanel


I have a chessboard with 64 JPanels representing each square on the board. The pieces are represented using JLabels which are placed on the JPanels. I am trying to remove all the JLabels off the board. I am confused why this doesn't work:

private void removePieces()
    for(int i = 0; i < 64; i ++)
        Component c = chessBoard.getComponent(i);
        if(c instanceof JLabel)
            Container parent = c.getParent();

chessboard is the big JPanel with the 64 JPanels inside it. After some debugging it looks like the if loop is never being entered. I don't understand why it wouldn't enter the if loop if one of the components is a JLabel?

Rudi Kershaw

Looks like your trying to remove your JPanels from your chessboard if they are JLabels (which obviously makes no sense, and is why the if code is never firing). Instead you want to remove the chessBoard's components' JLabel component. Example below.

private void removePieces() {
        for(int i = 0; i < 64; i ++) {   
            if(chessBoard.getComponent(i) instanceof JPanel) {
            JPanel c = (JPanel)chessBoard.getComponent(i);

I am using removeAll() because I am presuming your JPanels have no other components in them other than the potential JLabels.

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Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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