User defined Objects equality always returns false

Class Product
  def initialize(name, qty)
    @name = name
    @qty = qty

  def to_s
    "#{@name}, #{@qty}"

irb>"Amazon", 3) == ("Amazon", 3)
irb> false

Ruby always returns false for these type of user defined objects which is wrong, how to make them true if they are equal and false if they are not equal


You should implement the comparison operator.

Example :

Class Product
  attr_reader :name, :qty

  def initialize(name, qty)
    @name = name
    @qty = qty

  def to_s
    "#{@name}, #{@qty}"

  def ==(another_product) == and self.qty == another_product.qty
    # or self.to_s == another_product.to_s

More info : ruby equality and object comparison

Explanation :

In your example, ruby doesn't know how to compare your object. So ruby compares two adresses (where the objects are stored) and says that the two addresses are different.

If you specify in your class the == operator, ruby now knows how to compare your objects.

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