Terraform- GCP Data Proc Component Gateway Enable Issue

Sriram Raghavan

I’m trying to create data proc cluster in GCP using terraform resource google_dataproc_cluster. I would like to create Component gateway along with that. Upon seeing the documentation, it has been stated as to use the below snippet for creation:

cluster_config {
 endpoint_config {
 enable_http_port_access = "true"

Upon running the terraform plan, i see the error as " Error: Unsupported block type". And also tried using the override_properties and in the GCP data proc, i could see that the property is enabled, but still the Gateway Component is disabled. Wanted to understand, is there an issue upon calling the one given in the Terraform documentation and also is there an alternate for me to use it what?

software_config {
image_version = "${var.image_version}"
override_properties = {
"dataproc:dataproc.allow.zero.workers" = "true"
"dataproc:dataproc.enable_component_gateway" = "true"

The below is the error while running the terraform apply.

Error: Unsupported block type
 on main.tf line 35, in resource "google_dataproc_cluster" "dataproc_cluster":
35:           endpoint_config {
 Blocks of type "endpoint_config" are not expected here.


resource "google_dataproc_cluster" "dataproc_cluster" {
  name     = "${var.cluster_name}"
  region   = "${var.region}"
  graceful_decommission_timeout = "120s"
  labels =  "${var.labels}"

  cluster_config {
        staging_bucket        = "${var.staging_bucket}"
        /*endpoint_config {
               enable_http_port_access = "true"
        software_config {
            image_version       = "${var.image_version}"
            override_properties = {
                "dataproc:dataproc.allow.zero.workers" = "true"
                "dataproc:dataproc.enable_component_gateway" = "true"  /* Has Been Added as part of Component Gateway Enabled which is already enabled in the endpoint_config*/
         gce_cluster_config {
         // network          = "${var.network}"
          subnetwork       = "${var.subnetwork}"
          zone                = "${var.zone}"
         //internal_ip_only    = true
          tags                = "${var.network_tags}"
          service_account_scopes = [

        master_config {
            num_instances     = "${var.master_num_instances}"
            machine_type      = "${var.master_machine_type}"
            disk_config {
                boot_disk_type    = "${var.master_boot_disk_type}"
                boot_disk_size_gb = "${var.master_boot_disk_size_gb}"
                num_local_ssds    = "${var.master_num_local_ssds}"

  depends_on = [google_storage_bucket.dataproc_cluster_storage_bucket]

  timeouts {
    create = "30m"
    delete = "30m"
Sriram Raghavan

Below is the snippet that worked for me to enable component gateway in GCP

provider "google-beta" {
  project     = "project_id"

resource "google_dataproc_cluster" "dataproc_cluster" {
  name     = "clustername"
  provider = google-beta 
  region   = us-east1
  graceful_decommission_timeout = "120s"

  cluster_config {
        endpoint_config {
               enable_http_port_access = "true"

Collected from the Internet

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