Creating a video from a sequence of images in Matlab


I am stuck on how to create an video file from from a sequence of images.

I have a folder with images as follows:


How do I combine them to a video in Matlab?

I saw this link explaining it, but I could not understand it exactly.


You may want to do something like this:

nImage = 150;                                                        % L1
fps = 3.0;                                                           % L2
addToInFolder = 'Address\to\Input\Images\Folder';                    % L3
addToOutFolder = 'Address\to\Output\Video\Folder';                   % L4

oVideo = VideoWriter(fullfile(addToOutFolder, 'myVideo.avi'));       % L5
oVideo.FrameRate = fps;                                              % L6
open(oVideo)                                                         % L7
for i = 1:nImage                                                     % L8
    fname = ['image' num2str(i, '%.2d') '.png'];                     % L9
    curImage = imread(fullfile(addToInFolder,fname));                % L10
    writeVideo(oVideo, curImage);                                    % L11
end                                                                  % L12
close(oVideo)                                                        % L13

Since you could not follow the example, here is a break down of what is going on per line:

  • L1 => Total number of images which based on your file names is 150
  • L2 => Frame per second of the movie you are making
  • L3 => Address to the input folder of your images
  • L4 => Address to the output folder for your movie
  • L5 => Create a complete address to the output movie (.avi) file and make a video file at this address to be written
  • L6 => Set frame rate of the movie to fps. FrameRate is a property of a video object. See this page for the complete list of properties you can play with. There are properties you may want to play with like Quality, Duration, CompressionRatio, etc).
  • L7 => Video file needs to be opened to allow for writing data, otherwise you do not have the permission to write to this file
  • L8 => Let's begin a loop over each image and make a frame out of it
  • L9 => Create a string of file name for the current image (image01.png, ...., image150.png)
  • L10 => Read the png file and store its data in variable curImage
  • L11 => Add contents of curImage to the video file pointed by oVideo
  • L13 => Don't forget to close the video file (oVideo) that was opened before

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