Cannot pass an array of object to a function?

Random I.T

I am trying to pass the selected values from a dropdown menu to a handleSearch() then this pass to a filterList().

However, it does not reach to filterList().

private handleSearch(e) {
    let key = e.key;
    let val =;
    let type =;
    let tname =;
///code above
 if (type == "select-one") {
      let opt = [{ name: tname, value: val }]; //e.g. [{name:"Category",value:"abc"}]
      let page;
        this.state.selectVal ? this.state.selectVal : opt
///code below
/// I can read the data here 
 private filterList(query: string, ItemsPerPage = 10, options?) {
    let category = "";
    let users = "";
    let orderby = "Title";
    let order = "asc";
    if (options) { // undefined
      for (let i = 0; i <= options.length; i++) {
        if ( == "Category") {
/// codes continue
<select name="Category" onChange={}>
  <option value="">All Category</option>
  { => (
    <option value={i}>{i}</option>
</select>; is defined as select={this.handleSearch} in the Parent Component Did I miss something?

Random I.T

I know why > < i am looping a for loop. thus

 if ( == "Category") {

should be

 if (options[i].name == "Category") {

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