Java - Creating Multiple Threads with a For Loop

HSeldon :

I am trying to create multiple threads, the number of which is dependent on the input from the command line. I know extending Thread isn't the best OO practice unless you are making a specialized version of Thread, but hypothetically is this code creating the desired result?

class MyThread extends Thread { 

  public MyThread (String s) { 

  public void run() { 
    System.out.println("Run: "+ getName()); 

 class TestThread {
  public static void main (String arg[]) { 

    Scanner input = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Please input the number of Threads you want to create: ");
    int n = input.nextInt();
    System.out.println("You selected " + n + " Threads");

    for (int x=0; x<n; x++)
        MyThread temp= new MyThread("Thread #" + x);
        System.out.println("Started Thread:" + x);
Daniel Hershcovich :

Yes, it is creating and starting n threads, all ending immediately after printing Run: and their name.

Collected from the Internet

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