one year rolling count of unique values by group in pandas

Juan C

So I have the following dataframe:

Period      group     ID    
20130101     A        10
20130101     A        20
20130301     A        20
20140101     A        20
20140301     A        30
20140401     A        40

20130101     B        11
20130201     B        21
20130401     B        31
20140401     B        41
20140501     B        51

I need to count how many different ID there are by group in the last year. So my desired output would look like this:

Period      group     num_ids_last_year
20130101     A            2 # ID 10 and 20 in the last year
20130301     A            2 
20140101     A            2 
20140301     A            2 # ID 30 enters, ID 10 leaves
20140401     A            3 # ID 40 enters

20130101     B            1
20130201     B            2
20130401     B            3
20140401     B            2 # ID 11 and 21 leave 
20140501     B            2 # ID 31 leaves, ID 51 enters

Period is in datetime format. I tried many things along the lines of:

df.groupby(['group','Period'])['ID'].nunique() # Get number of IDs by group in a given period.
df.groupby(['group'])['ID'].nunique() # Get total number of IDs by group.

df.set_index('Period').groupby('group')['ID'].rolling(window=1, freq='Y').nunique()

But the last one isn't even possible. Is there any straightforward way to do this? I'm thinking maybe some kind of combination of cumcount() and pd.DateOffset or maybe ge(df.Period - dt.timedelta(365), but I can't find the answer.


Edit: added the fact that I can find more than one ID in a given Period

Steven G

looking at your data structure, I am guessing you have MANY duplicates, so start with dropping them. drop_duplicates tend to be fast

I am assuming that df['Period'] columns is of dtype datetime64[ns]

df = df.drop_duplicates()
results = dict()
for start in df['Period'].drop_duplicates():
    end = - relativedelta(years=1)
    screen = (df.Period <= start) & (df.Period >= end)  # screen for 1 year of data
    singles = df.loc[screen, ['group', 'ID']].drop_duplicates()  # screen for same year ID by groups
    x = singles.groupby('group').count()
    results[start] = x
results = pd.concat(results, 0)

2013-01-01 A       2
           B       1
2013-02-01 A       2
           B       2
2013-03-01 A       2
           B       2
2013-04-01 A       2
           B       3
2014-01-01 A       2
           B       3
2014-03-01 A       2
           B       1
2014-04-01 A       3
           B       2
2014-05-01 A       3
           B       2

is that any faster?

p.s. if df['Period'] is not a datetime:

df['Period'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Period'],format='%Y%m%d', errors='ignore')

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