How to publish a table using JSON format to MQTT server in DolphinDB


I want to publish a table using JSON format,the table is defined as below,

COLS_READINGS   = `time`device_id`battery_level`battery_status`battery_temperature`bssid`cpu_avg_1min`cpu_avg_5min`cpu_avg_15min`mem_free`mem_used`rssi`ssid
schema_readings = table(COLS_READINGS, TYPES_READINGS)

Then what should I do? Does dolphindb support mqtt publish,Or can I write a plugin myself with mosquitto?

smile qian

DolphinDB has a mqtt client plugin that can be downloaded from

use mqtt; 

//***************************publish a table****************************************//
MyFormat = take("", 5)
MyFormat[2] = "0.000"
f = createCsvFormatter(MyFormat, ',', ';')

//create a record for every device
def writeData(hardwareVector){
  hardwareNumber = size(hardwareVector)
  return table(take(hardwareVector,hardwareNumber) as hardwareId ,take(now(),
    hardwareNumber) as ts,rand(20..41,hardwareNumber) as temperature,
    rand(50,hardwareNumber) as humidity,rand(500..1000,
    hardwareNumber) as voltage)
def publishTableData(server,topic,iterations,hardwareVector,interval,f){
 for(i in 0:iterations){

submitJob("submit_pub1", "submit_p1", 

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