Laravel Fetching one to Many Relationship


Hello I am learning laravel and I am having an issue retrieving data from my relations.

In my database there are Product and Groups filled with dummy data.

I defined my relationship like this in product model:

     public function Group()
     return $this->hasMany('App\Groups','product_id', 'id');

And in my group vice versa with :

      public function Product()
      return $this->belongsTo('App\Product','product_id', 'id');

The way I am referencing to my products table is :


Now I have column product_id in my database under groups, and it is linked to if from products id it seems.

The groups table contains of its auto incremented id and product_id foreign key column.

While products table has auto incremented id and name column.

The issue is here : How do I return the products that are not null or have value (of products id) in groups table.

I tried something like this in my filter controller:

        public function getProductsWithGroup()

      $Products = Product::with('groups')->get();
     return $Products ;


But that is giving me call to undefined relations.

I am not sure how to access belongsTo or hasMany methods and whether I need an extra group_id column in my products table.

Ijas Ameenudeen

You named the relationship wrong. It should be groups & define in lowercase as

public function groups()
    return $this->hasMany('App\Groups','product_id', 'id');

And use ->has() to check existence

public function getProductsWithGroup()
    $Products = Product::has('groups')->get();
    return $Products ;

->with() is used to eager load and ->has() is used to check existence & filter.

To get the products don't have any groups,

$Products = Product::doesntHave('groups')->get();

To see other ways to use ->has() check,

Collected from the Internet

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