Write buffer in C which is allocated in python using ctypes, and read back again in python

Amit Sharma

Problem Statement:

Allocate one buffer of given size 16*100 using numpy array in python, and fill that buffer in C with some struct content, and then wanted to read back that buffer in python again.

I have one struct defined as follows:


    #include <stdio.h>

    typedef unsigned char           uint8_t;
    typedef short                   int16_t;
    typedef unsigned short          uint16_t;

    struct S{
        int a;

    struct ins_data {
        int16_t offset1;
        int16_t num1;
        int16_t offset2;
        int16_t num2;
        void *buffer;  //==> Need to fill this buffer with struct S contents

    struct desc_data {
        uint8_t id;
        void *ins_data;

    void access_ins_data(struct ins_data* ptr) {
        int i = 0;

        struct S *p = (struct S*)ptr->buffer;
        printf("offset1: %d\n", ptr->offset1);
        ptr->offset1 = 12;
        ptr->num1 = 13;

        struct S tt;
        tt.a = 10;

        memcpy(p, &tt, sizeof(struct S));

        /* Want to fill this buffer in below fashion, but its not even working for single case.
         * |struct S s1|struct S s2| struct S s3|
        printf("S.a: %d\n", p->a);

    void printLib() {
        printf("Oh Yeah.. you are here");

    void foo(void *p) {
        struct desc_data *ptr = (struct desc_data*)p;
        printf("id: %d\n", ptr->id);
        struct ins_data *ss = (struct ins_data *)ptr->ins_data;
        struct S *pp = (struct S*)ss->buffer;
        printf("foo : %d\n", pp->a);

Command used to generate .so file: gcc -o sample.so -shared -fPIC sample.c

And below is the code for python world:


    from ctypes import *
    import numpy as np

    class S(Structure):
    S._fields_ = [
        ('a', c_int32),

    class ins_data(Structure):
    int16_t = c_int16
    ins_data._fields_ = [
        ('offset1', int16_t),
        ('num1', int16_t),
        ('offset2', int16_t),
        ('num2', int16_t),
        ('buffer', c_void_p),

    class desc_data(Structure):
    uint8_t = c_uint8
    desc_data._fields_ = [
        ('id', uint8_t),
        ('ins_data', c_void_p),

    def get_ins_data():
        arr = np.zeros(16*100, dtype='uint8')
        enc_data = ins_data(-1,0,-1,0)
        enc_data.buffer = cast(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(arr), c_void_p)

        return enc_data

    from ctypes import cdll
    newA = cdll.LoadLibrary("sample.so")

    foo = newA.foo
    foo.argtypes = [c_void_p]
    foo.restype = None

    insData = get_ins_data()
    descData = desc_data(0, cast(byref(insData), c_void_p))
    foo(cast(byref(descData), c_void_p))

    print "descData.id", descData.id
    tt= cast(descData.ins_data, POINTER(ins_data))
    buff = cast(tt[0].buffer, POINTER(S))
    print "buffer content", buff.contents.a


id: 0
offset1: -1
S.a: 10
foo : 10
descData.id:  0
buffer content 1140653488 #This should come 10?


buffer content showing garbage value. It should show 10.

Thanks in advance, badly stuck in this simple code. :(


Here the conversion of the C code (main function):

from ctypes import *
import numpy as np

class S(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('a', c_int32)

class ins_data(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('offset1', c_int16),
        ('num1', c_int16),
        ('offset2', c_int16),
        ('num2', c_int16),
        ('buffer', c_void_p)

class desc_data(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('id', c_uint8),
        ('ins_data', c_void_p)

from ctypes import cdll
newA = cdll.LoadLibrary("./sample.so")

foo = newA.foo
foo.argtypes = [c_void_p]
foo.restype = None

A = create_string_buffer(16 * 100)
dData = desc_data()
iData = ins_data()

dData.id = 1

iData.offset1 = -1
iData.num1 = 0
iData.offset2 = -1
iData.num2 = 0
iData.buffer = cast(A, c_void_p)

dData.ins_data = cast(pointer(iData), c_void_p)

pp = cast(dData.ins_data, POINTER(ins_data))
p = cast(pp.contents.buffer, POINTER(S))

print("@@@@: {}".format(p[0].a))
print("@@@@: {}".format(p[1].a))
print("@@@@: {}".format(p[2].a))

Collected from the Internet

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