calling assembly functions from c

user173973 :

I'm trying to use a function in assembly, invoked from a C project. This function is supposed to call a libc function let's say printf(), but I keep getting a segmentation fault.

In the .c file I have the declaration of the function let's say

int do_shit_in_asm()

In the .asm file I have

.extern printf
.section .data
              .ascii "test"
.section .text
.global do_shit_in_asm
.type do_shit_in_asm, @function

    pushl %ebp
    movl %esp, %ebp
    push printtext
    call printf
    movl %ebp, %esp
    pop %ebp

Any pointers comments would be appreciated.

as func.asm -o func.o

gcc prog.c func.o -o prog

Change push printtext to push $printtext.

As it is, you're loading a value from the address printtext and pushing that, rather than pushing the address. Thus, you're passing 'test' as a 32-bit number, rather than a pointer, and printf is trying to interpret that as an address and crashing.

Collected from the Internet

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