How to unwrap an optional value from Any type?


Given an array of [Any] that has a mix of optional and non optional values, e.g:

let int:Int? = 1
let str:String? = "foo"

let values:[Any] = [int,2,str,"bar"]

How can we extract the value of the Optional in the Any type (if there is one) so we can create a generic print function that only prints out the values.

E.g. this printArray function goes through and prints each element:

func printArray(values:[Any]) {
    for i in 0..<values.count {
        println("value[\(i)] = \(values[i])")


Which will output:

value[0] = Optional(1)
value[1] = 2
value[2] = Optional("foo")
value[3] = bar

How can we change it so it only prints the underlying value so that it unwraps the value if it's Optional? e.g:

value[0] = 1
value[1] = 2
value[2] = foo
value[3] = bar

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It can work when changing the argument to [Any?], e.g:

let values:[Any?] = [int,2,str,"bar"]

func printArray(values:[Any?]) {
    for i in 0..<values.count {
        println("value[\(i)] = \(values[i]!)")


Which will print the desired:

value[0] = 1
value[1] = 2
value[2] = foo
value[3] = bar

But would still like to see how we can unwrap an Optional from Any as this is what MirrorType.value returns making it difficult to extract the Optional value, e.g:

class Person {
    var id:Int = 1
    var name:String?

var person = Person() = "foo"

var mt:MirrorType = reflect(person)
for i in 0 ..< mt.count {
    let (name, pt) = mt[i]
    println("\(name) = \(pt.value)")

Prints out:

id = 1
name = Optional("foo")

When I need:

id = 1
name = foo

For Xcode 7 and Swift 2:

func unwrap(any:Any) -> Any {

    let mi = Mirror(reflecting: any)
    if mi.displayStyle != .Optional {
        return any

    if mi.children.count == 0 { return NSNull() }
    let (_, some) = mi.children.first!
    return some


let int:Int? = 1
let str:String? = "foo"
let null:Any? = nil
let values:[Any] = [unwrap(int),2,unwrap(str),"bar", unwrap(null)]

This will give you [1, 2, "foo", "bar", {NSObject}]

Change NSNull() to nil and the return value of unwrap func to Any? will always unwrap any type.

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