Combine items in a list until an item containing specific text is found?


This is going to be hard to explain.

I'm fetching some webpages with BeautifulSoup, and I'm trying to organize them into a list. I'm fetching only the elements on the page that have the class "text". Like this:

content = requests.get(url, verify=True)
soup = BeautifulSoup(content.text, 'lxml', parse_only=SoupStrainer('p'))
filtered_soup = soup.find_all("span", {"class":["text",
line_list = [line for line in filtered_soup]
#text_list = [line.get_text() for line in filtered_soup]

This works great, but I'd also like to combine some of the items in the list. On the webpage, some of the items with class="text..." also have id="en...". They technically SHOULD be the parents of the other class="text..." elements, but the webpage has not been set up this way.

In my "line_list" list, there is an item with both class="text..." and id="en..." elements, then there are a few items with only class="text...", then there is an item with both class="text..." and id="en..." elements, and this pattern keeps repeating. Here's a way to think of it:

line_list = [A, a, a, a, B, b, b, C, c, c, c, c]

Now here's the hard part to explain. Let's say line_list[0] has both elements, line_list[1-3] only have the "class" element, and line_list[4] has both elements again. I'd like to iterate through line_list and combine the items into a single string. But when the iteration hits an item containing both "id" and "class" (i.e. line_list[4]), I'd like it to start creating a new string.

Or, if someone can think of a better way to do this, that'd be awesome. I was going to try to do this:

line_string = ''.join(line_list)
split_list = line_string.split('id="en')

But the join command complains that line_string contains tags, not strings.

I wonder if it'd be easier to do this with a dictionary? For example, make the elements that have both "class" and "id" the keys and the elements that only have "class" their values. It'd look like this:

line_dic = {A: [a, a, a], B: [b, b], C: [c, c, c, c]}

Here's example html if anyone would like to play with it:

line_list = [<span class="text 1" id="en-13987>A<span class="small-caps" style="font-variant: small-caps">A</span>,
             <span class="indent-1"><span class="indent-1-breaks">    </span><span class="text 1">a</span></span>,
             <span class="text 1">a</span>,
             <span class="text 2" id="en-13988">B<span class="small-caps" style="font-variant: small-caps">B</span>B</span>,
             <span class="indent-1"><span class="indent-1-breaks">    </span><span class="text 2">b<span class="small-caps" style="font-variant: small-caps">b</span>b</span></span>,
             <span class="text 2">b<span class="small-caps" style="font-variant: small-caps">b</span>b</span>,
             <span class="text 3" id="en-13989">C</span>,
              <span class="indent-1"><span class="indent-1-breaks">    </span><span class="text 3">c<span class="small-caps" style="font variant: small-caps">c</span>c</span></span>,
             <span class="text 3">c<span class="small-caps" style="font-variant: small-caps">c</span>c</span>,]

Awesome ideas, guys. Thanks a ton!

Alex Martelli

Not a cool one-liner, but, the following should work...:

text_list = []
current = []
for line in line_list:
    if line.get('id', '').startswith('en'):
        if current:
            text_list.append(' '.join(current))
            current = []
if current:
    text_list.append(' '.join(current))

For example, adding this code after a sample test-start of

import bs4

content = '''
<span class='text' class='indent-1' id='en00'>And one</span>
<span class='text' class='indent-1'>And two</span>
<span class='text' class='indent-1'>And three</span>
<span class='text' class='indent-1' id='en01'>And four</span>
<span class='text' class='indent-1'>And five</span>

soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content)
filtered_soup = soup.find_all("span", {"class":["text", "indent-1"]})
line_list = [line for line in filtered_soup]

a for x in test_list: print(x) will display

And one And two And three
And four And five

which seems to match the desired result.

Added: here's an arguably better-factored solution, which does however end up being more verbose:

def has_id_en(elem):
    return elem.get('id', '').startswith('en')

def segment(sequence, is_head):
  current = []
  for x in sequence:
      if is_head(x):
          if current:
              yield current
              current = []
  if current:
      yield current

text_list = [' '.join(e.text for e in bunch)
             for bunch in segment(line_list, has_id_en)]

At least, this way, the segment logic is reusable for similar tasks where the items in the sequence need not be bs4 objects, and/or the way to determine whether an item needs to "head" a subsequence is different than in this specific problem.

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