how to extend optional chaining for all types

Matthew Butterick

If we have optional values foo and bar, Swift will allow us to write:


Which will evaluate to nil if foo is nil. But it will not let us write:


That is, optional chaining only works on the arguments outside a function call, not inside the argument list. (The reasons for this limitation are unclear, but here we are.)

Suppose I want to write an apply function that lets me move things into the jurisidiction of optional chaining, like so:

bar?.apply { foo?.doSomething($0) }

Here, apply is a generic function that takes one argument (in this case bar) and then executes the closure. So if either foo or bar is nil, the expression will be nil.

Here's what I’ve tried:

public protocol HasApply {}
extension HasApply {
    public func apply<T>(_ f : (Self) -> T) -> T {

That’s fine as far as it goes. But to make it work, I still have to explicitly apply the protocol to the types I care about:

extension Int : HasApply {}

OK, that makes it work with Int. But I don’t want to copy & paste for every type. So I try this:

extension AnyObject : HasApply {}

No, that won’t work: the error is Non-nominal type 'AnyObject' cannot be extended.

Hence the question: is there no way to make this generic function work as a protocol method?


is there no way to make this generic function work as a protocol method?

No, you must "explicitly apply the protocol to the types I care about".

However, you are in fact reinventing the wheel. This is the use case of flatMap/map. If both foo and bar are optional, you can write:

bar.flatMap { foo?.doSomething($0) }

Note the lack of ? after bar. You are calling flatMap on Optional, rather than bar's type. If doSomething returns T, the above expression will return T?.

If only bar is optional, use map: { foo.doSomething($0) }

Collected from the Internet

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