pandas for each group calculate ratio of two categories, and append as a new column to dataframe using .pipe()

Tommy Lees

I have a pandas dataframe like the following:

import pandas as pd


0  x1  y1  t1   10
1  x1  y1  t2   11
2  x1  y2  t3   18
3  x2  y2  t1   17
4  x2  y2  t1   21
5  x2  y1  t1   30

The problem

What I want is to group on column AAA so I have 2 groups - x1, x2.

I want then calculate the ratio of y1 to y2 in column BBB for each group.

And assign this output to a new column Ratio of BBB

The desired output

So I want this as my output.

              "Ratio of BBB":[0.33,0.33,0.33,0.66,0.66,0.66]})

  AAA BBB CCC  DDD  Ratio of BBB
0  x1  y1  t1   10          0.33
1  x1  y1  t2   11          0.33
2  x1  y2  t3   18          0.33
3  x2  y2  t1   17          0.66
4  x2  y2  t1   21          0.66
5  x2  y1  t1   30          0.66

Current status

I have currently achieved it like so:

def f(df):
  df["y1"] = sum(df["BBB"] == "y1")
  df["y2"] = sum(df["BBB"] == "y2")
  df["Ratio of BBB"] = df["y2"] / df["y1"]
  return df


What I want to achieve

Is there anyway to achieve this with the .pipe() function?

I was thinking something like this:

df = (df
 .groupby(df.AAA) # groupby a column not included in the current series (df.colname)
 .pipe(lambda series: series["BBB"] == "y2" / series["BBB"] == "y1")

Edit: One solution using pipe()

N.B: User jpp made clear comment below:

unstack / merge / reset_index operations are unnecessary and expensive

However, I initially intended to use this method i thought I would share it here!

df = (df
      .groupby(df.AAA)                     # groupby the column
      .BBB                                 # select the column with values to calculate ('BBB' with y1 & y2)
      .value_counts()                      # calculate the values (# of y1 per group, # of y2 per group)
      .unstack()                           # turn the rows into columns (y1, y2)
      .pipe(lambda df: df["y1"]/df["y2"])  # calculate the ratio of y1:y2 (outputs a Series)
      .rename("ratio")                     # rename the series 'ratio' so it will be ratio column in output df
      .reset_index()                       # turn the groupby series into a dataframe
      .merge(df)                           # merge with the original dataframe filling in the columns with the key (AAA)

Looks like you want the ratio of y1 to the total instead. Use groupby + value_counts:

v = df.groupby('AAA').BBB.value_counts().unstack()
df['RATIO'] = / (v.y2 + v.y1))

0  x1  y1  t1   10  0.333333
1  x1  y1  t2   11  0.333333
2  x1  y2  t3   18  0.333333
3  x2  y2  t1   17  0.666667
4  x2  y2  t1   21  0.666667
5  x2  y1  t1   30  0.666667

To generalise for many groups, you may use

df['RATIO'] = / v.sum(axis=1))

Collected from the Internet

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