call in x86 real mode does not save return address


I'm trying to write a real mode bootloader and I'm currently having problems trying to enable the A20 line. Here's my code so far, I'm assembling with NASM:

[bits 16]

[global _start]

jmp _start

 test al, al
 jz bios_print_done
 mov ah, 0x0E
 mov bh, 0
 int 0x10
 jmp bios_print


 push ds
 push si
 push es
 push di

 xor ax, ax
 mov ds, ax
 mov si, BOOT_ID_OFFS

 mov es, ax

 cmp word [es:di], BOOT_ID

 mov ax, 1
 jne a20_is_enabled_done

 mov ax, word [ds:si]
 xor ax, ax
 mov [ds:si], ax

 cmp word [es:di], BOOT_ID

 push ax
 xor ax, ax
 mov [ds:si], ax
 pop ax

 mov ax, 1
 jne a20_is_enabled_done

 mov ax, 0

 pop di
 pos es
 pop si
 pop ds


 mov ax, 0x2403
 int 0x15
 jc a20_enable_bios_failure
 test ah, ah
 jnz a20_enable_bios_failure

 mov ax, 0x2401
 int 0x15
 jc a20_enable_bios_failure
 test ah, ah
 jnz a20_enable_bios_failure

 mov ax, 1
 jmp a20_enable_bios_done

 mov ax, 0



 push si

 mov si, word MSG_A20_TRY_BIOS
 call bios_print

 pop si

 call a20_enable_bios

 test ax, ax
 jz a20_enable_failure

 call a20_is_enabled

 test ax, ax
 jnz a20_enable_success


 push si

 mov si, word MSG_A20_FAILURE
 call bios_print

 pop si

 mov ax, 0
 jmp a20_enable_done


 push si

 mov si, word MSG_A20_SUCCESS
 call bios_print

 pop si

 mov ax, 1


 xor ax, ax
 mov ds, ax



 push si

 mov si, word MSG_GREETING
 call bios_print

 pop si

 call a20_enable

 test ax, ax
 jz boot_error


 jmp boot_error

BOOT_ID equ 0xAA55

MSG_GREETING db 'Hello from the bootloader', 0xA, 0xD, 0
MSG_A20_TRY_BIOS db 'Trying to enable A20 line via BIOS interrupt', 0xA, 0xD, 0
MSG_A20_SUCCESS db 'Successfully enabled A20 line', 0xA, 0xD, 0
MSG_A20_FAILURE db 'Failed to enable A20 line', 0xA, 0xD, 0

times 510-($-$$) db 0

The problem is the function a20_is_enabled which is supposed to check if the A20 line is enabled after a20_enable_bios has activated it via a BIOS interrupt (I know this is not foolproof, more code will follow here). When I debug the code everything seems to be fine until call a20_is_enabled. The processor does then indeed perform a near call to to correct address here but no return address is pushed onto the stack (which I have verified with gdb). So when ret is executed in a20_is_enabled, the instruction pointer is set to some garbage address. Why is this?

EDIT: note that there is not ORG 0x7C00 at the beginning of my assembly code. This is because I first create an elf file so that I can debug my code using gdb and that doesn't play well with ORG, So I actually do this:

nasm -f elf32 -g -F dwarf boot.asm -o boot.o
ld -Ttext=0x7c00 -melf_i386 boot.o -o boot.elf
objcopy -O binary boot.elf boot.bin
Michael Petch

Normally one might close this question as it is caused by a typographical error but the error isn't necessarily obvious at first. One has to pay close attention in a debugger observing the instructions that are being executed.

This had me scratching my head since when I looked in the debugger the sequence:

 push ds
 push si
 push es
 push di

 ; Snip other code

 pop di
 pos es
 pop si
 pop ds

only showed the processor executing 3 POPs and a ret when there are clearly 4 POP instructions. Because the processor isn't doing enough POPs the return address is incorrect and ret returns to the wrong part of memory and causes unexpected behavior.

The problem is rather trivial and because of a stroke of bad luck an instruction is produced without error but isn't the instruction you want. If you look closely this is the culprit:

 pos es

There is a typo. POS should be POP. My brain didn't catch it at first. pos is being treated as a label and es is a segment override so can appear on a line by itself. This caused the instruction es pop si to be produced.

Clearly the fix is to change it to:

 pop es

Collected from the Internet

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