while loop is not reading the variable

import numpy as np
def RVs():
   #s = 0
    s = 1
    f = 0
    while s!=0:
        z = np.random.random()
        if z<=0.5:
            x = -1
            x = 1
        s = s + x
        f = f + 1

The code is running smoothly if I put s=1 but since the while loop is for s!=0, if I start with s=0 the loop is not even running. So, what should I do in this case when I have to run the code for s=0. (Or more precisely, I need to while loop to read s=0 is the second time.)

Aviv Shai

The other solution is great. Here's a different approach:

import numpy as np

def RVs():
    # s = 0
    s = 1
    f = 0

    while True: # will always run the first time...
        z = np.random.random()

        if z <= 0.5:
            x = -1
            x = 1

        s = s + x
        f = f + 1

        if s == 0: break # ... but stops when s becomes 0



Note: return(f) needs to be indented in your original code to be inside the RVs function.

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