How to model a collection of items where one of them is the active item?


I have a situation where an entity has a list of children that are inactive. Additionally, they have another "current/active" sub entity of the same type.

The following would be the ideal modeling, but I cannot figure out how to this with Entity Framework Core:

public class Customer 
    public Application CurrentApplication { get; set; }
    public List<Application> PastApplications { get; set; }

public class Application
    public bool IsCurrent { get; set; }
    public Customer Customer { get; set; }

In the past, I've typically modeled it as so:

public class Customer
    public Application CurrentApplication => AllApplications.Single(a => a.IsCurrent);
    public List<Application> PastApplications => AllApplications.Where(a => !a.IsCurrent);  
    public List<Application> AllApplications { get; set; }   

public class Application
    public bool IsCurrent { get; set; }
    public Customer Customer { get; set; }

However, I feel that this could lead to the possibility of another Application incorrectly being set as IsCurrent, thus breaking the .Single().

What's the suggested way to accomplish this from a DDD perspective? If that doesn't match up with what EF Core can do, what is a good practical suggestion?

Adam Simon

I don't think that this is a DDD problem, rather a how to design a relational DB model and how to use EF Core question.

First you need to decide what is the relationship between Customers and Applications:

  • One-to-Many, that is, a Customer may have zero or more Applications, but an Application belongs to exactly one Customer. This scenerio is also called a master-detail relationship. The entity on the Many side (Application in this case) stores a reference (called a foreign key) to its owner (Customer).
  • Many-to-Many, that is, a Customer may have zero or more Applications, but an Application may belong to zero or more Customers, as well. This scenario is modelled using an extra "join" table (usually named something like CustomerApplication) so the problem is resolved to two One-to-May relationships in the end.

If there is only one active Application at a given time (per customer), the active application can be modelled using a One-to-One (Zero-to-One, to be precise) relationship between Customer and Application (with a foreign key on Customer's side). It can also be modelled using a flag field on Application as you tried but that's not as error-proof as a foreign key (but may have better performance, though).

The code you posted resembles rather a One-to-Many scenario, so I show an example for that case. Understanding the following, you can easily change it Many-to-Many if desired.

First let's define the entities:

public class Customer
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public int? CurrentApplicationId { get; set; }
    public Application CurrentApplication { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Application> Applications { get; set; }

public class Application
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public Customer Customer { get; set; }

The single interesting part is int? CurrentApplicationId. We need to explicitly define the foreign key for our Zero-to-Many relationship (more on this later). The nullable int (int?) tells EF that this field can be NULL.

EF is usually able to figure out the relationship mappings but in this case we need to explain them to it explicitly:

class DataContext : DbContext
    // ctor omitted for brevity

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        modelBuilder.Entity<Customer>(customer =>
            customer.HasMany(entity => entity.Applications)
                .WithOne(relatedEntity => relatedEntity.Customer)

            customer.HasOne(entity => entity.CurrentApplication)
                .HasForeignKey<Customer>(entity => entity.CurrentApplicationId);

    public DbSet<Application> Applications { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }

What's going on in the OnModelCreating method is called fluent API configuration. This topic and conventions is a must to understand and control how EF maps the entities to DB tables.

Based on the mapping EF is able to generate (see code-first migrations) the following DB schema:

CREATE TABLE [Customers] (
, [CurrentApplicationId] bigint  NULL
, CONSTRAINT [sqlite_master_PK_Customers] PRIMARY KEY ([Id])
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [IX_Customers_CurrentApplicationId] ON [Customers] ([CurrentApplicationId] ASC);

CREATE TABLE [Applications] (
, [CustomerId] bigint  NULL
, CONSTRAINT [sqlite_master_PK_Applications] PRIMARY KEY ([Id])
CREATE INDEX [IX_Applications_CustomerId] ON [Applications] ([CustomerId] ASC);

Exactly what we wanted.

Now, how you query the active and inactive applications in this configuration? Something like this:

var customerId = 1;

using (var ctx = new DataContext())
    var currentApplication = (
        from customer in ctx.Customers
        where customer.Id == customerId
        select customer.CurrentApplication

    var pastApplications =
        from customer in ctx.Customers
        from application in customer.Applications
        where customer.Id == customerId && customer.CurrentApplication != application
        select application

I suggest you to read through the acticles to be found here to get familiar with EF Core.

As for relational DB modelling this site seems a useful resource.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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