Wrong Output on Running Python Code

Prem Raj

I have run the following code snippet:

#Physics Equations

default_path = 10000
default_time = 18000
default_ini_vel = 1
default_acceleration = 1

path = default_path
time = default_time
ini_vel = default_ini_vel
acceleration = default_acceleration

avg_spd = path / time
velocity = (ini_vel + (acceleration * time))

print("Average Speed = " + str(avg_spd))
print("Velocity = " + str(velocity))

I have expected the code to return a float type value for average speed containing many decimal places. The output for average speed equals 0. Why?

N. Wouda

As others have already observed, the most likely culprit is avg_spd = path / time. In Py2 this is integer division, and the result gets rounded down to the nearest integer. In Py3 this behaviour has changed, and returns the perhaps more intuitive floating-point result.

You can get this 'new' behaviour in Py2 as well, by importing,

from __future__ import division

Above your code.

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