Match one to many columns in Pandas dataframe


I have 2 datasets in CSV file, using pandas each file is converted into 2 different dataframes.

I want to find similar companies based on their url. I'm able to find similar companies based on 1 field (Rule1), but I want to compare more efficiently as following:

Dataset 1

uuid, company_name, website

Dataset 2

company_name, company_website, support_website, privacy_website

Result Dataset

company_name, company_website, support_website, privacy_website, uuid
  • Dataset1 contains ~50K records.
  • Dataset2 contains ~4M records.


  1. If field website in dataset 1 is the same as field company_website in dataset 2, extract identifier.

  2. If not match, check if field website in dataset 1 is the same as field support_website in dataset 2, extract identifier.

  3. If not match, check if field website in dataset 1 is the same as field privacy_website in dataset 2, extract identifier.

  4. If not match, check if field company_name in dataset 1 is the same as field company_name in dataset 2, extract identifier.

  5. If not matches return record and identifier field (UUID) will be empty.

Here is my current function:

def MatchCompanies(
    companies: pandas.Dataframe,
    competitor_companies: pandas.Dataframe) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]:
  """Find Competitor companies in companies dataframe and generate a new list.

    companies: A dataframe with company information from CSV file.
    competitor_companies: A dataframe with Competitor information from CSV file.

    A sequence of matched companies and their UUID.

    ValueError: No companies found.

  if _IsEmpty(companies):
    raise ValueError('No companies found')
  # Clean up empty fields. Use extra space to avoid matching on empty TLD.
  companies.fillna({'website': ' '}, inplace=True)
  competitor_companies = competitor_companies.fillna('')'Found: %d records.', len(competitor_companies))
  # Rename column to TLD to compare matching companies.
  companies.rename(columns={'website': 'tld'}, inplace=True)'Cleaning up company name.')
  companies.company_name = companies.company_name.apply(_NormalizeText)
  competitor_companies.company_name = competitor_companies.company_name.apply(
  # Rename column to TLD since Competitor already contains TLD in company_website.
  competitor_companies.rename(columns={'company_website': 'tld'}, inplace=True)'Extracting UUID')
  merge_tld = competitor_companies.merge(
      companies[['tld', 'uuid']], on='tld', how='left')
  # Extracts UUID for company name matches.
  competitor_companies = competitor_companies.merge(
      companies[['company_name', 'uuid']], on='company_name', how='left')
  # Combines dataframes.
  competitor_companies['uuid'] = competitor_companies['uuid'].combine_first(
  match_companies = len(
  total_companies = len(competitor_companies)'Results found: %d out of %d', match_companies, total_companies)
  competitor_companies.rename(columns={'tld': 'company_website'}, inplace=True)
  return competitor_companies

Looking for advise in which function to use?


Use map by Series with combine_first, but one requrement is necessary - always unique values in df1['website'] and df1['company_name']:

df1 = df1.dropna()
s1 = df1.set_index('website')['uuid']
s2 = df1.set_index('company_name')['uuid']

w1 = df2['company_website'].map(s1)
w2 = df2['support_website'].map(s1)
w3 = df2['privacy_website'].map(s1)
c = df2['company_name'].map(s2)

df2['uuid'] = w1.combine_first(w2).combine_first(w3).combine_first(c)
print (df2)
  company_name company_website support_website privacy_website   uuid
0        Yahoo             NaN  YAHOO
1       Google             NaN             NaN    NaN
2        Cisco             NaN             NaN   CSCO

Collected from the Internet

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