How can I use a textbox value to set a value on a radiobutton


I have in my model a property that defines the quantity to be inserted by the user.

To do that I use 3 radio buttons like this:

enter image description here .

The code I use for this is the following:

    @Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.LabelsQuantity, "100", new { @class = "custom-control-inline radiobtn" }) @Html.Label("100", new { @class = "custom-label-inline " })
    @Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.LabelsQuantity, "1000", new { @class = "custom-control-inline radiobtn" }) @Html.Label("1000", new { @class = "custom-label-inline " })
    @Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.LabelsQuantity, "Other"  , new { @class = "custom-control-inline radiobtn" }) @Html.Label("Others", new { @class = "custom-label-inline " })
    @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.LabelsQuantity, string.Empty, new { @class = "custom-control-inline form-control enable_tb", type = "number", disabled = "true" })

The problem is that the value that I insert in the textbox isn't being passed to the controller, only the other string.

I need to be able to override the value in the view or to be able to get the value in the textbox in the controller.

Any help? Thank you.


Your view model needs a 2nd property to bind the textbox to. The DefaultModelBinder only binds the first matching name/value pair, so it sees LabelsQuantity=Other in the request, and sets that to your LabelsQuantity proeprty, and ignores the LabelsQuantity=ValueFormTheTextBox.

Change the model to include an additional property, say

public string OtherQuantity { get; set; }

and bind to it in the view using

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.OtherQuantity)

You should also consider applying a conditional validation attribute, such as a foolproof [RequiredIf("LabelsQuantity", "Other"] attribute so that you get client and server side validation

Note also that if the value of the textbox should always be a number, then you should make the property int rather than string.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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