Most efficient way to look for these inconsistencies?


The project consists of a single table – let's call it Table for simplicity – with three columns processed by a C program:

  • ID is a unique ID and not really important here
  • Source includes input texts.
  • Translation includes modified/translated versions of the contents in Source.

Here's an example with made up contents: Example Table

As you can see, the table follows a certain pattern and the goal is to find inconsistencies according to these rules:

  • All IDs are unique and there's no association available connecting related entries with each other.
  • Both Source and Translation contain a majority of entries that do not follow this pattern (omitted above).
  • If there's a record A with Source set to ABC and a different record B with Source set to Map: ABC (it is identical to Map: followed by A's Source), then Translation of B must be identical to Karte: followed by Translation of A. Or in other words: the Translation column is supposed to follow the same pattern as Source.
  • In the example table above, the result of the query should tell you that ID_34567 and ID_45678 mismatch, since Translation for the latter reads Karte: Project B rather than Karte: Projekt B (as dictated by Translation of ID_34567).
  • The query (or queries) are supposed to be implemented in SQLite, hosted in C code (so it doesn't have to be 100% in SQLite only).
  • Available SQLite commands are extended with custom functions for regular expression matching (PCRE2), for example rxmatch(rx, text) returns the portion of text matching the regular expression or 0 in case of no match. This list can be expanded or modified as needed.

So far the implementation first uses a query to identify all Map: entries:

select ID, rxmatch('(?<=Map: ).*', Source) as ms, rxmatch('(?<=: ).*', Translation) as mt from `Table` where ms != 0 and mt != 0;

A second query runs for every result row and checks for inconsistencies to return them (it selects concatenated fields from a/b but I'm omitting these for readability). The parameters used are the three columns returned above (id, matched source portion, matched target portion).

select ... as translation from `Table` as a inner join `Table` as b on a.ID = ? and b.Source = ? and not b.Translation = ?;

While this works perfectly fine, it's not the fastest query and I'm wondering if there's a more elegant way to simplify this and speed it up at the same time.

JOIN MyTable AS B ON 'Map: '   || A.Source      =  B.Source
                 AND 'Karte: ' || A.Translation <> B.Translation;

This requires an index on Source to be efficient (or, even better, a covering index on both Source and Translation, if you have the disk space).

Collected from the Internet

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