Set a fixed value for a field in a multi-row insert in Laravel

Samuel Shifterovich

I have an array $cart:

$cart = [
    ["product_id" => 1, "price" => 20, "amount" => 5, "tax" => 15],
    ["product_id" => 2, "price" => 30, "amount" => 10, "tax" => 20],

I can do


But I need to insert this array into a table that has the same columns + order_id. The order_id will be the same for all rows, it's the insert id of the previous query. Is it possible to set a fixed value for order_id for all rows?

Paul Spiegel

When you use eloquent models and your Order model has a hasMany relation order_products(), then you can use the createMany() method on the relation:


For save() and saveMany() methods as well as for create() and createMany(), if called on a relation, the foreign key (in your case order_id) will be set automatically taken from the parent $order entity.

In the documentation you will also find this note:

Before using the create method, be sure to review the documentation on attribute mass assignment.

Most important is the $fillable property, which you already figured out.

Note that you should also be able to use create() for the order itself. I don't know why it didn't work for you. Check the $fillable property in the Order model. Also usually an order belongs to a user - so you would need to assign user_id, which might be missing in the array. What could work is

$order = Auth:user()->orders()->create($orderArray);

The user_id would be taken from Auth:user() and assigned to the order automatically.

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