Receiving an Array to render in component


I am trying to pass my state of thumbnail URLs that are saved to an array state. But when evaluating in my Netflix component videos is empty? When I console it, it returns In tile {"videos":[]}


return (
  <div className="explore">
    <div className="row">
      <NetflixTile videos={this.state.thumbnail} />


 constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
          thumbnail: []


componentDidUpdate() {
    console.log("Component updated?");

    let i = 0;
    if (this.props.videos == null) {
      console.log("It's null");
    } else {
      const videos = => {
        <h5 key={video._id}>{video.thumbnail}</h5>;
        this.state.thumbnail[i] = video.thumbnail;

Netflix component added into Render

const NetflixTile = videos => {
  console.log("In tile " + JSON.stringify(videos.videos));
  if (videos.length != null) {
    for (let i = 0; videos > i; i++) {
      return (
        <div className="row__inner">
          <div className="tile">
            <div className="tile__media">
  } else {
    return (
          You have not yet uploaded any STEM content. Go to your dashboard page
          and click Upload to add to this library.

export default NetflixTile;

**Console output of this.state.thumbnail ** enter image description here


OK, since you've got more or less working solution, let me update my answer with some suggestions then :)

  1. Asynchronous calls (e.g. fetch) should be performed in componentDidMount (it is true until React's Suspense and async stuff is landed);

  2. If you're not modifying videos' state of the parent component - use props directly, no need to bother with any state here at all.

  3. In another case, keep in mind that componentDidUpdate will be called after each prop change or state change. Previously, I'd suggest using a componentWillReceiveProps for this kind of logic. But with React 16 you can use getDerivedStateFromProps instead. Here is what official docs are suggesting:

    If you want to “reset” some state when a prop changes, consider either making a component fully controlled or fully uncontrolled with a key instead.

    As you can see, it is better to handle such comparison logic (e.g. props.videos !== state.videos) outside of component and make this component fully controlled, so it renders props directly and updates only when new props are received.

  4. Try to minimize setState calls, however, you might not notice a big difference even with your current solution - it is because of React is batching state updates.

  5. In JSX, it is better to use and ternary operators instead of for loops and if statements. Prefer working with value transformations rather than imperative statement jumping.

Applying these suggestions it can end up like this:

class VideosParentComponent extends React.Component {
  static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
    if (props.videos !== state.videos) {
      return { videos: props.videos }

    return null

  state = { videos: [] }

  componentDidMount() {

  render() {
    const thumbnails = => video.thumbnail)
    return (
      <div className="explore">
        <div className="row">
          {thumbnails.length !== 0
            ? <NetflixTitle videos={thumbnails} />
            : (
                  You have not yet uploaded any STEM content. Go to your dashboard page
                  click Upload to add to this library.

const NetflixTitle = ({ videos }) => (
  <div className="row__inner">
    { => (
      <div key={x} className="tile">
        <div className="tile__media">

Initial answer

You're passing videos as a prop in JSX, not as a function parameter. This is why you should retrieve it as a key in props in a destination component.

const NetflixTitle = ({ videos }) => { // rest of the code

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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