CSS @media print counter(page) issue

Torjescu Sergiu

I have an issue regarding the content: counter(page) in my media print. The counter of the page disappears if the margin is set to 0:

  @page {
    counter-reset: page;
    size: A4;   /* auto is the initial value */
    margin: 0;  /* this affects the margin in the printer settings */
    @top-right {content: counter(page);}

On the other hand, if I do not use the margin set to 0, other elements appear on the corners of the page, such as website URL, title, and current date, which I do not want.

I was wondering if there is a way in which I can make the counter page appear after using the margin:0 or if I can hide the other 3 elements if I do not use margin 0.

Any help or advise would be appreciated!

Torjescu Sergiu

Apparently because of the fact that the print view settings are User based, there is only so much you can do regarding this matter.

Either use margin:0; and make all the 4 elements disappear (current date, website title, page counter and website URL), or use all of them as they are.

There are also some differences in browsers regarding the window.print(); command, Mozilla and Internet Explorer 11 do not have a print view and will instead download the pdf.

Collected from the Internet

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