Command to move a file to a directory even if the directory is not present


Is there a way to move file to a new directory without explicitly creating the directory using mkdir command and then move the file using mv


The traditional method would be

mkdir -p

will create all elements of the path that do not exist.

You can change it with && mv Example:

mkdir -p /tmp/1/2/3/ && mv /tmp/file /tmp/1/2/3/

The /tmp/1/2/3/ can be a variable that you can reuse.

It can also be done with tar but then you need to make it with the directory structure already there. Untarring it elsewhere will create the paths that do not exist.

You can also use rsync. If the destination does not exist it will create it for you. Example

rsync -a --relative /new/dir/1/2/3/ /old/dir/

That last one seems to the best method to me. rsync is an amazing tool for transferring files. Local and remote.

Collected from the Internet

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