javascript shows output of only last iteration of for loops with promise object inside

J. Doe

I wrote a node.js script to use jimp to get all image files from a directory, (which I take as input), run some manipulations on that and then save them in the target directory (another input) as filename.suffix.extension. I take suffix also as input.

But I only see the last file from the list that I collect as to be present in the target directory.

// imports
var Jimp = require('jimp');
const fs = require('fs')

// inputs
dir = process.argv[2]
target = process.argv[3]
suffix = process.argv[4]

// collect files
let dirCont = fs.readdirSync( dir );
const files = dirCont.filter( ( elm ) => /.*\.(png|jpg)/gi.test(elm) );

// run jimp on each file and write to target directory
for (file in files)
    target_file = target+files[file].replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "")+'.'+suffix+files[file].match(/\.[^/.]+$/)'/'+files[file]).then(function (file) {
        return file.resize(256, 256)     // resize
             .quality(60)                 // set JPEG quality
             .greyscale()                 // set greyscale
             .write(target_file); // save


I run the entire thing using grunt.

following up from this question, things that I tried:

but still pretty much not working

Immediately-Invoked Function Expression

var Jimp = require('jimp');
const fs = require('fs')

dir = process.argv[2]
target = process.argv[3]
suffix = process.argv[4]
let dirCont = fs.readdirSync( dir );
const files = dirCont.filter( ( elm ) => /.*\.(png|jpg)/gi.test(elm) );

for (file in files)
    (function(index) {
    console.log("index: "+index)
    target_file = target+files[index].replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "")+'.'+suffix+files[index].match(/\.[^/.]+$/)'/'+files[index]), function (err, filee) {
             if (err) throw err;
             filee.resize(256, 256)     // resize
             .quality(60)                 // set JPEG quality
             .greyscale()                 // set greyscale
             .write(target_file); // save



Still only the last file is written


var Jimp = require('jimp');
const fs = require('fs')

dir = process.argv[2]
target = process.argv[3]
suffix = process.argv[4]
let dirCont = fs.readdirSync( dir );
const files = dirCont.filter( ( elm ) => /.*\.(png|jpg)/gi.test(elm) );
var funcs = {}
for (file in files)

    target_file = target+files[file].replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "")+'.'+suffix+files[file].match(/\.[^/.]+$/)
    funcs[file] ='/'+files[file]), function (err, filee) {
        return filee.resize(256, 256)     // resize
             .quality(60)                 // set JPEG quality
             .greyscale()                 // set greyscale
             .write(target_file); // save
    }.bind(this, file)


for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {


Error message:

TypeError: funcs[j] is not a function

I discovered it is a promise object

forEach implementation

still only the last iteration was printed

Can anyone help me on this?


The issue is that target_file, in each of these, is a shared variable (each iteration is modifying the same one). Just change:

target_file = 


let target_file = 


const target_file = 

and you should be fine.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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