IBus not working in Cinnamon


I have configured these 3 languages in IBus while I was using Gnome desktop-- English (US), Bengali (Avro-Phonetic) and Hindi (KaGaPa phonetic). Recently I have installed Cinnamon and I haven't found any settings related to IBus in the Cinnamon control centre (Settings page) although I have ibus-avro and ibus-m17n installed. Most of the posts I have seen till now related to this issue are outdated and therefore cannot be used.

Any idea how can this issue be solved?

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

While IBus is integrated into GNOME settings to a large extent, I would think that you need to use IBus Preferences to handle your input languages in case of Cinnamon. It should be available in the menus somewhere, or you can also start it via the terminal command


In IBus preferences enable the Show icon on system tray checkbox:
enter image description here
If you still cannot see the IBus icon on the panel, open Cinnamon settings, go to the Applets section and enable the System Tray applet:
enter image description here

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