Keep a computed ranking updated in SQL-Server


Here i have a requirement like biddin db structor is like

Id   Name       Amount    Bidding_Level
1     Apple      50         L3
2     Mac        30        L2
3     Nokia      10        L1

Here my Requirement is whenever user Enter amount Bidding_Level Comes dynamic Like if any user enter Amount as 5 He will Become L1 And all other Like as Nokia L2 Mac L3 Apple L4


First of all, as Damien suggested, it seems that this value shouldn't be stored but computed when needed. When you have computed columns (that don't automatically update) then you are begging for additional maintenance tasks (what happens if someone changes the product name but keeps the same ID? and when someone deletes a bid?) and pointless processing (you might calculate the bid level and recieve another bid before actually needing the current bid level).

That being said, you can reset the bid ranking with a trigger, which will have to be after inserts, updates or deletes (you don't explain your business logic much).


    -- If the amount was updated, a new row was added or a row was deleted
    IF UPDATE(Amount) OR (
        EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM deleted) AND
        NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM inserted))

        ;WITH NewBidLevels AS
                NewBidLevel = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY B.Amount ASC)
                Bids AS B
        UPDATE B SET
            Bidding_Level = 'L' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), N.NewBidLevel)
            Bids AS B
            INNER JOIN NewBidLevels AS N ON B.Id = N.Id



Please note that the tigger will consider all records of the table, since it has to update all records for each change on any amount (which is very bad for performance). You should calculate this ranking each time it's needed instead.

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