SQL LEFT-JOIN with 2 foreign keys and merge them into one row (MySQL)

Mango D

I have following tables


id | address1 | address2 | state
1  | 2        | 4        | Delivered
2  | 7        | 1        | Payment


id | city
1  | New York 
2  | Paris   
4  | London 
7  | Berlin

Now I need a statement to get both cities with order status.

For example order ID 1 should output: Delivered | Paris | London

I tried the following statement:

SELECT orders.state, address.city FROM orders
  LEFT JOIN address 
    ON orders.address1 = address.id OR orders.address2 = address.id;

It obviously only outputs one address city but I want both.

Any idea how the statement should look like?

Yogesh Sharma

You can do the self join:

select o.status, ad.city, ad1.city
from Orders o 
left join Address ad on ad.id = o.address1 
left join Address ad1 on ad1.id = o.address2;

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