The paragraph is going onto a new line after the link in HTML

im blue

Here are the contents of my body:

 <a href = "" target = "__blank">Click to go to google</a>
<p>This should appear next to the link, instead of on the next line</p>

When I run this on my browser (chrome) it appears to show it like this

Link to google


How would I make it appear on one line, paragraph after href?


The tag p stands for paragraph. So it makes sense that the text in the p stands in a new line and fills the whole width of the parent. By default, p has the property "display: block".

For having the text in the same row as the a we have some possibilities:

  • Change the style with CSS class, via the ID or set with style = "display: inline;"


<a href="" target="__blank"> Click to go to google </a>
<p style="display:inline;"> This should appear next to the link, instead of the next line </p>
  • Benefit of a different tag


<a href="" target="__blank"> Click to go to google</a>
<span> This should appear next to the link, instead of the next line </span>

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