Excel formula with if condition


I have this excel formula, and I'm not used to work with excel, I can't understand what this formula mean, can any one make it clear?

excel formula

Antonio Rodriguez

The workbook has a sheet called 'Réal comm au 31-03-2018' this is not necessarily the same where the function is defined.

you have 2 ranges that are: 'Réal comm au 31-03-2018'!$B:$B (column B inside 'Réal comm au 31-03-2018') 'Réal comm au 31-03-2018'!$X:$X (column X inside 'Réal comm au 31-03-2018')

B36 is on the same sheet as the formula. The function will iterate the cells of the range in column B, when the value in the current cell is equal to the value in cell B36 it will sum the value in column X of the same cell.

I hope this can helps you :)

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