How to store a query result in a variable


SQL Server stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CheckTableStatus] 
    @DatabaseName AS NVARCHAR(50) = 'DBA',
    @ProjectID AS NVARCHAR(50) = 'CommandLog'

    DECLARE @TableCount as int

    SET @Temp = 'DECLARE @cnt as int;'
    SET @Temp = @Temp + 'USE '+ @DatabaseName +'; SELECT @cnt=COUNT(TABLE_NAME) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables WHERE TABLE_NAME=''' + @ProjectID + ''';'

    PRINT @Temp

    EXEC sp_executesql @temp

    --ASSIGN OUTPUT TO @TableCount
    IF @TableCount > 0  
       -- Do something

How do I assign the results of @temp being executed to variable @TableCount?

Andrei Odegov

Use the OUTPUT parameter:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CheckTableStatus] 
    @DatabaseName as nvarchar(50) = 'DBA',
    @ProjectID as nvarchar(50) = 'CommandLog'
    DECLARE @TableCount as int,@Temp nvarchar(max)='';
--    SET @Temp = 'DECLARE @cnt as int;'
    SET @Temp = @Temp + 'USE '+ @DatabaseName +'; SELECT @cnt=COUNT(TABLE_NAME) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables WHERE TABLE_NAME=''' + 
@ProjectID + ''';'
    print @Temp
    EXEC sp_executesql @temp,
      N'@cnt int out',@TableCount out;
    --ASSIGN OUTPUT TO @TableCount
    IF @TableCount >0 
     -- Do something
        print @TableCount;

But why not use the OBJECT_ID function?

Also your code is prone to SQL-injection.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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