Member object of another class


I have two classes: Location and Adress. Adress contains a member named l1 which is of the type Location.

class Location
    double lat, lon;
    char *em;

        Location(int =0, int=0, const char* =NULL);
        Location (const Location&);
        friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Location &);

class Adress
    char *des;
    Location l1;
    char *country;

        Adress(char *,Location &, char *);
        virtual ~Adress();
        friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Adress &);

Adress constructor:

Adress::Adress(char *des, Location &l1, char *country)
    if (des!=NULL)
        this->des=new char [strlen (des)+1];
        strcpy (this->des, des);
    if (country!=NULL)
        this->country=new char [strlen (country)+1];
        strcpy (this->country, country);


Location constructor:

Location::Location(int lat, int long, const char *em)
    if (emi!=NULL)
        this->em=new char [strlen (em)+1];
        strcpy (this->em, em);

What I want to do is when I call the constructor of the class Location in the main function for creating a new object to automatically call the constructor of the location class, something like: Address ("desc", l1 (43.23, 32.12, "south"), "country"). I have tried in many ways but none of them seems to work. Sorry for my mistakes, I'm a begginer.


It seems you want to pass temporary location object to Address constructor so your parameterized constructor definition should be changed to accept const Location& and here is sample code for what you want to achieve :

class Location
    double lat, lon;
char *em;

        Location(int =0, int=0, const char* =NULL);
        Location (const Location&);
        friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Location &);



class Adress

    char *des;
Location l1;
char *country;
        Adress(char *,const Location &, char *);
        virtual ~Adress();
        friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Adress &);



Adress::Adress(char *des, const Location &l1, char *country)
    if (des!=NULL)
        this->des=new char [strlen (des)+1];
        strcpy (this->des, des);
    if (country!=NULL)
        this->country=new char [strlen (country)+1];
        strcpy (this->country, country);

Location::Location(int lat, int lon, const char *em)
    if (em!=NULL)
        this->em=new char [strlen (em)+1];
        strcpy (this->em, em);
int main()
    Adress ("desc", Location (43.23, 32.12, "south"), "country");
    return 0;

Also you cannot call class constructor with object name so l1 should be changed to class name i.e Location

Collected from the Internet

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