Error casting from Int to Double

Martin Muldoon

I'm trying to understand why casting in the first case works while in the second it fails. What is the difference between the two?

var myVariable = 2

var myDoubleTest1 = Double(myVariable)
var myDoubleTest2 = myVariable as? Double

print(myDoubleTest1)  // 2.0
print(myDoubleTest2)  // nil
Connor Neville
var myDoubleTest1 = Double(myVariable)

This line is just an initializer on Double. It takes an int, and initializes a new double. The documentation is here.

var myDoubleTest2 = myVariable as? Double

The as? keyword in Swift performs a cast. This means, in English, "create a variable named myDoubleTest2. If myVariable is of type Double, then use that. Otherwise, make it nil. We know, from the first line in your code (var myVariable = 2), that myVariable is not a Double (it is an Int), so myDoubleTest2 will be nil. You can read more about type casting here.

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