Filter list of objects without using hashmap java


Let's say I have a list of objects - Student(s). Each student object has various properties - roll number, class name (Not to be confused with Java class name, this is student's class name), student name etc.

The requirement is to retrieve student objects which have class name say "stack overflow". We may create a hashmap with classname (String) and it's respective student object. Is there any other solution in java which does not use hashmap? I have come across various requirements like these where generally I create an hashmap and move ahead. I'm just curious if there is a better way to solve problems like these.

Birbal Singh

Using java 8 stream api

Student result1 =                        // Convert to steam
                .filter(x -> "rahul".equals(x.getName()))        // we want "rahul" only
                .findAny()                                      // If 'findAny' then return found

And to collect list

List<Student> result1 =                        // Convert to steam
          .filter(x -> "rahul".startsWith(x.getName()))

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