Iterate Each Cell Of DataGridView


I want to iterate each cell of my DataGridView and if the value = 0 or 0.00 I want to change it to a - I have the below code, but I am getting an error of

Possible unintended reference comparison

What would be the proper way to achieve what I am after here?

foreach (DataGridViewRow rw in dataGridView1.Rows)
    foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in rw.Cells)
       if (rw.Cells[0].Value == "0")
          rw.Cells[0].Value = "-";

According to the MSDN documentation, DataGridViewCell.Value returns an object. Now you'd like to compare this with your string "0".
When trying to compare object and string, you will compare their references, but not their values. Basically you're just checking whether they point to the same object.
If your cell ALWAYS contains objects of type string, you could simply do the following:

foreach (DataGridViewRow rw in dataGridView1.Rows)
    foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in rw.Cells)
        var currentValue = (string)rw.Cells[0].Value;
        if (currentValue == "0")
            currentValue = "-";

A more safe approach:

foreach (DataGridViewRow rw in dataGridView1.Rows)
    foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in rw.Cells)
        var currentValue = rw.Cells[0].Value as string;
        if (currentValue != null && currentValue == "0")
            currentValue = "-";

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