MySQL One to Many relationship exlusions based on criteria

Daniel Greibe

Consider the following.

I have a table with RecipeComponents , which has a one to many relationship to Ingredients.

I want the names of recept_navn from table Recepter which do not include the Raavare champignon.

Recept has a one to many relationship with receptkomponent. One recept has many receptkomponents.

Receptkomponent has a one to many relationship with Raavare. A Raavare is included in multiple receptkomponents.

Initially i thought i would just select and join the three tables and make a where clause for raaavare_navn != Mushroom. Since it is a one to many relationship and the RecipeComponent table contains multiple ingredients, i'll end up deleting the row with mushroom, but the RecipeComponent will still show up in rows with the other ingredients

Here is what i tried to do at first.

SELECT DISTINCT recept.recept_id, recept_navn
FROM recept
JOIN receptkomponent ON recept.recept_id = receptkomponent.recept_id
JOIN raavare ON raavare.raavare_id = receptkomponent.raavare_id
WHERE raavare.raavare_navn != 'champignon'
GROUP BY recept_id


Tablename: Raavare
raavare_id    |    raavare_navn    |    leverandoer
1             |    dej             |    Wawelka
2             |    tomat           |    Knoor
3             |    tomat           |    Veaubais
4             |    tomat           |    Franz
5             |    ost             |    Ost og Skinke A/S
6             |    skinke          |    Ost og Skinke A/S
7             |    champignon      |    Igloo Frostvarer

Tablename: Receptkomponent

recept_id     |    raavare_id    |    nom_netto    |    tolerance
1             |    1             |    10.0         |    0.1
1             |    2             |    2.0          |    0.1
1             |    5             |    2.0          |    0.1
2             |    1             |    10.0         |    0.1
2             |    3             |    2.0          |    0.1
2             |    5             |    1.5          |    0.1
2             |    6             |    1.5          |    0.1
3             |    1             |    10.0         |    0.1
3             |    4             |    1.5          |    0.1
3             |    5             |    1.5          |    0.1
3             |    6             |    1.0          |    0.1
3             |    7             |    1.0          |    0.1

Tablename: Recepter

recept_id    |    recept_navn
1            |    margherita
2            |    prosciutto
3            |    capricciosa
Daniel Greibe

I figured out the answer.

First you want to make a query that selects all the recept_names with the raavare 'champignon'. Then you make a query that selects all recept_names where the previous query is not in.

FROM recept
WHERE recept_navn NOT IN 
    SELECT DISTINCT recept_navn
    FROM recept
    JOIN receptkomponent
    ON receptkomponent.recept_id = recept.recept_id
    JOIN raavare 
    ON raavare.raavare_id = receptkomponent.raavare_id
    WHERE raavare_navn = 'champignon'

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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