mongodb $elemMatch with multiple values

Fabrizio Bertoglio

I want to query the following Movie object based on his tags array with Mongodb

 => [{"type"=>"Genre", "tags"=>["Comedy"]}, {"type"=>"score", "tags" => ["Excellent"]}] 

by using $elemMatch

Movie.where({'tags' => {'$elemMatch' => {'type' => "Genre", "tags" => "Comedy"}}})

I can query all entries with the Comedy tag, but I need to restrict the search to those that have in their tags array also {"type"=>"score", "tags" => ["Excellent"]}

Fabrizio Bertoglio

You found the solution @Veeram, please copy this answer and edit to your wish. I will accept it and I'll be thankful to you for sharing your expertise with us

Movie.where({'tags' => { '$all' => [
                        {'$elemMatch' => {'type' => "Genre", "tags" => "Comedy"}},
                        {'$elemMatch' => {'type' => "score", "tags" => "Excellent"}}

Thanks a lot Best Regards Fabrizio

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