How to specify a function parameter and return type as a List in ocaml?


I am currently teaching myself ocaml for a programming language class and I am trying to figure out how to specify a function parameter and return type as a List.

I have create a program that reads a file char by char stores each char in a List, reverses the list then returns the List.

Current code:

   Creating a function that will read all the chars 
   in a file passed in from the command argument.
   This function takes a parameter of type List.
   This function will return a List. 

let read_file (char_List : List) : List =
    let char_in = open_in Sys.argv.(1) in   (* Creating a file point/in_channel *)
    while true do
      let c = input_char char_in in     (* Getting char from the file *)
        char_List := c :: !char_List    (* Storing the char in the list *)
  with End_of_file ->
        char_List := List.rev !char_List;   (* End of file was reaching reversing char list *)
        close_in char_in;                   (* Closing the file pointer/in_channel *)

(* Storing the result of read_file to buffer which buffer is of type list *)
let buffer = ref [] in

      print_string "\nThe length of the buffer is: ";
      print_int (List.length !buffer); (* Printing length of the list *)
      print_string ("\n\n");
      List.iter print_char !buffer;    (* Iterating through the list and print each element *)

If I remove specifying the parameter type and return type of List the code runs as intended. However; I would like to specify the type of the parameter and return type as a List.

How do you specify the function parameter and return type to be a List?


First, List is a module not a type, so you probably meant list. However, you cannot annotate with only list, because a list is not a type by itself: you do not want to have a list of unknowable things, but a list of elements which have themselves a known type. For instance, in your case, you have a list of characters, which can be written as char list. Similarly, a list of integers will be typed int list.

More precisely, list is not a type by itself but a type constructor which takes as argument a type for the elements of the list and returns a type for the list of such elements.

p.s. : if you are learning OCaml you could try to rewrite your code without using references to get used to a more functional style.

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