Merging multiple values into one row in a new column Pandas Python


Greetings Beautiful People!

I'm putting together a visualization for some customer whoops edit survey data. Unfortunately, the data modeling or end to end process throughout is non-existent

I have multiple columns as follows :

    What Role : Teacher, What Role: Engineer, What Role : Doctor
1   Yes,                 Yes,                 No, 
2   No,                  No,                  Yes,
3,  Yes,                 No,                  Yes, 

so, what I want to do is create a new column and convert the Yes' into a new Value which matches the Header, so if doctor is Yes, then it would enter int a new Column:

    What Role?
1   Teacher, Engineer,
2   Doctor,
3   Teacher, Doctor

Could this be done by creating a dictionary then a for loop?

for example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("file.csv")

Dictionary_File = {'What Role?' : 'What Role : Teacher', 
'What Role?': 'What Role : Engineer', 'What Role?' : 'What Role : Doctor'}

for k,v in Dictionary_File.items():
   (df[k] = df[k] == 'Yes', 'Unsure here' + df[v])

df = df.drop(list(Dictonary_File.values()), axis=1)

So when it comes to the for loop I couldn't think or find a way to merge the values into something new (Other than manually changing all the columns Yes into a new value then merging..?)

any help would be much appreciated!



You need first remove What Role: by split.

Then by boolean mask df == 'Yes' create joined values by numpy.where

c = df.columns.str.split().str[-1]
s = np.where(df == 'Yes', ['{}, '.format(x) for x in c], '')
print (s)
[['Teacher, ' 'Engineer, ' '']
 ['' '' 'Doctor, ']
 ['Teacher, ' '' 'Doctor, ']]

df['new'] = pd.Series([''.join(x).strip(', ') for x in s], index=df.index)
print (df)
  What Role : Teacher What Role : Engineer What Role : Doctor  \
1                 Yes                  Yes                 No   
2                  No                   No                Yes   
3                 Yes                   No                Yes   

1  Teacher, Engineer  
2             Doctor  
3    Teacher, Doctor  

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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