How to overlay a png to piped video source with audio mixed in via ffmpeg?

Christopher Stevens

I'm successfully streaming silent video with music added from my Raspberry Pi (Raspbian) to YouTube via ffmpeg, with the help of this GitHub gist and this post:

raspivid -o - -t 0 -vf -hf -w 1280 -h 720 -fps 25 -b 4000000 | \
ffmpeg -i music.wav \
-f h264 -i - -vcodec copy -acodec aac -ab 128k -g 50 -strict experimental \
-f flv rtmp://

The last step of my project to add a transparent, full width/height png overlay to the video (1280x720 size in my case). I've seen a few related answers such as this one and this one.

With the added complexity of piping in a camera feed, mixing in an audio source and outputting to a video stream, I haven't succeeded in adding the image overlay. Where/how would I add a transparent image overlay in the example above?


The ffmpeg part will be

ffmpeg -i music.wav \
-f h264 -i - -i overlay.png
-filter_complex "[1][2]overlay"
-vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -acodec aac -ab 128k -g 50 -strict experimental \
-f flv rtmp://

Since you're altering the video contents, copy can't be used, and the video has to be re-encoded.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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