Unable to get DLookup value with variable field

shiv chhabra

I have a userform in Access with name BAF_User with 2 fields (BAFUser, BRID).

I am using the below code to get windows username and then compare it using DLookup and get the Full Name of the user who has logged into the Access file.

Option Compare Database

Public Function GetUserName() As String
 Dim wshNet As Object
 Dim  As String
 Set wshNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
 GetUserName = wshNet.UserName
 Set wshNet = Nothing
 MyName = DLookup("[BAFUser]", "BAF_User", "[BRID] = '" & GetUserName & " '")
End Function

Private Sub Form_Load()
 MsgBox "Welcome" + MyName
End Sub

But this is not showing the value, I am unable to catch what I have done wrong.

Thanks for help.


Why use global variable? Just call the function and have it return value.

Public Function GetUserName() As String
 Dim wshNet As Object
 Set wshNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
 GetUserName = DLookup("[BAFUser]", "BAF_User", "[BRID] = '" & wshNet.UserName & "'")
 Set wshNet = Nothing
End Function

Private Sub Form_Load()
 MsgBox "Welcome " & GetUserName

An alternative:
MsgBox "Welcome " & DLookup("[BAFUser]", "BAF_User", "[BRID] = '" & Environ("USERNAME") & "'"

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