Import Issue with Matplotlib and Pyplot (Python / Tkinter)

Adam Davis

I am having an issue where I cannot call the 'pyplot' element of 'matplotlib'. From the code below you can see I've had to add a "TkAgg" for the mattplotlib element to work, which is a common issue.

import matplotlib

However, now I cannot add the '.pyplot' to the import. I've tried the following:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

But this gives me the error:

AttributeError: module 'matplotlib.pyplot' has no attribute 'use'

How can I get around this as my code requires pyplot to function, but I cannot work out how to import it while still having to use ".use("TkAgg").

I am running Python 3.6.2 and I am using Tkinter to develop my program


Those are two entirely different things. You import matplotlib to be able to set the backend. Then you need to still import pyplot to be able to use it afterwards.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# ... rest of code

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