Dynamically created React Components render as HTML even with capitalization


I'm trying to render dynamically named React components. I understand the JSX requires the variable name to be capitalized. However, when I map over my state and try to populate components, I get the following error:

Warning: <TextBlock /> is using uppercase HTML. Always use lowercase HTML tags in React.

I understand this, and capitalization seems to work in the child TextBlock if I don't use a map and type out directly in the render of the main class.

Main class:

import React from 'react';
import TextBlock from './Components/TextBlock';

class RenderView extends React.Component {
  constructor() {

    this.state = {
      blurbs: [
          value: "Text value",
          tag: "h2",
          component: 'TextBlock'
          value: "lorem stuff adnfsaldkfn asdfl lkjasdflkj asdlfk  alskdjflaksdjf ",
          tag: "p",
          component: 'TextBlock'

  render() {

    const componentArray = this.state.blurbs.map((blurb, index) => {
      const Tag = blurb.component;
      return <Tag obj={blurb} key={index} />;

    return componentArray;

Child component TextBlock:

import React from 'react';

export default function TextBox(props) {

  const Tag = props.obj.tag;

  const Output = <Tag>{props.obj.value}</Tag>

  return Output;

Checking the react chrome tools, it appears to be rendering as an html element. How do I get react to recognize these two blurbs are jsx elements?

Austin Greco

I'm not sure how dynamic you need it to be (if it has to be a string or it can always be a reference to a react component), but it should work if you use the component reference directly instead of a string:

this.state = {
  blurbs: [
      value: "Text value",
      tag: "h2",
      component: TextBlock

If you really need to do it with strings, then you could add the components to a map and render them that way:

const COMPONENTS = {
  // etc..


const Tag = COMPONENTS[blurb.component];

Collected from the Internet

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