Delete characters in a string Python

orig_string = "\\\\file_foo\\bar\\text-to-be-deleted\\foo-bar.pdf"

The original string needs to be modified (copy into a new variable) to look like the new_string below. The file has thousands of lines with the same format (file path of a pdf file).

new_string = "\\\\file_foo\\bar\\foo-bar.pdf"

How do I modify the orig_string to look like the new string?

Edit: Sorry, I forgot to mention on my original post. The '\text-to-be-deleted' is not the same. All filepath have different '\text-to-be-deleted' string.



... and so on.


I have a method. Hope it can help you.

orig_string = "\\\\file_foo\\bar\\text-to-be-deleted\\foo-bar.pdf"
back_index = orig_string.rfind('\\')
front_index = orig_string[:back_index].rfind('\\')
new_string = orig_string[:front_index] + orig_string[back_index:]



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Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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